
Charlottesville Topsoil

As far as my knowledge goes, there is no such thing as " Charlottesville topsoil." However, that doesn't stop people from making claims that it does. If you're one of those people who believes that the soil in question has to be very enriched before it can provide good garden soil, I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. Not only is chemical fertilization not necessary to make topsoil rich, it can actually make the soil much less beneficial to growing plants.

Many people incorrectly believe that the only time to apply topsoil is when you're preparing to plant a garden or when you're replanting your existing garden. While the first step in preparing either of these for topsoil use is to apply compost, it's not really necessary to do so. In fact, some of the best places for composting on property are around the baseboard and in the garage, so you're not increasing your home's carbon footprint by using it for your soil.

If you've never attempted to build up your own compost heap before, you might be surprised to find out how easy it can be. You'll need a tarp or large sheet to place the pile on, as well as a sharp knife. Be sure that you only cut a few inches deep into the pile and leave some space between the blades of the knife and the compost. It's also a good idea to have some sort of weed barrier between the compost and the dirt.

After you're ready to start mixing the compost, take a handful of soil from the area where you're going to seed the flower garden and mix it in with the compost. Make sure that the soil you choose is firm and well draining, as it will help the seeds settle easier into the topsoil. If need be, add a little extra fertilizer by spreading some coarse sand or bone meal over the topsoil as well. Once you're happy with the quality and drainage of the soil, you're ready to begin seeding. Start in the middle and work your way out.

Each plant should require about four inches of topsoil in a ten foot radius. Soilless soil will hold more water than sandy soil, and will therefore drain more quickly. It also has a finer texture, which allows the roots of each plant to fully establish themselves. Soilless soil is ideal for seedlings and young plants that are not yet root-bound.

Once your seedlings are all set, water them generously, but don't drown them. Soggy topsoil rots very easily, causing root rot and other diseases in the plants. Plus, you'll have a much easier time removing them later on if they become too wet. Water your Virginia topsoil very thoroughly, and after it dries out, make sure to spread a thin layer of topsoil over the area where you didn't water so that the roots can get some room to breathe. By following these steps, you'll have a beautiful garden flower garden in no time.

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