Some giant trees have been cut down in the San Francisco Bay area in recent years. That's because they're an invasive species that does a lot of environmental harm. They were brought to the area by the same people who brought deer and other deer-related species to the area in the first place-farmingers. So they've had time to establish and spread, decimating smaller tree species and creating a whole new complex of problems for the state. Fortunately, there are a number of steps that can be taken to get rid of them and prevent them from spreading-and one of those steps is to cut them down.
First, though, it should be noted that "cutting them down" doesn't mean "getting rid of them." Rather, it means removing them from their current location and preventing new ones from growing in their place. The two most common tree species in the old growth forest of San Francisco's Central Valley are the Giant Tree Eragonii (or sometimes known as Eragonia eragonifolia) and the Giant Sequoia. Both are old growth forests whose wood yields have been proven by scientists to be highly valuable for a variety of applications. In fact, some believe that the old growth forests of the San Francisco Bay are among the richest sources of wood in the entire world.
Unfortunately, giant trees have been increasing all over the country, and this has begun to threaten other species already found in healthy habitats. In a nut shell, taking away their habitats is definitely a bad thing-and this is especially true when you consider the environmental cost of cutting down these beautiful trees. Luckily, it's not impossible for someone to step in and make sure that someone with a more environmentally minded bent takes care of this problem.
A naturalist (someone who has an understanding of nature) can step in and help by working on projects to reintroduce some of these trees into the wild. This is an especially useful solution for forests that have been cleared for a variety of other uses, such as housing developments or golf courses. As these places get built up, it is likely that these natural wonders will go the way of the dinosaur, and no one will be able to save them from extinction. By reintroducing these trees and providing them with protection, we can ensure that the quality of the rest of the natural world is maintained.
One person who can do this is Jane Fairbanks, an Australian conservationist who has made it her life's work to bring attention to the endangerment of big trees. Through her organization, she has helped to bring down giant Sequoia and Watsu, two giant trees that once roamed freely across Australia. She believes that if more people understood how important these plants and trees are, we would take better care of them. And even more importantly, we would stop cutting them down and allow them to grow back naturally. It is a difficult thing to do, but if everyone banded together to preserve the natural world, we would be doing the best possible thing for our future.
In fact, there is even a chance that some of the giant trees that currently exist in old growth forest can be saved through a program run by Fairbanks. The plan is called "Giant Tree Collision Reserve", and it aims to plant trees in the most threatened areas on the west coast. If the plan is successful, it could save more than thirty percent of the old growth forest. This is a great plan, and it makes sense to come out and support it - not only for the world we live in, but also for our children.