If you have ever wondered about how many trees are cut down in a year around the world then this is the article for you. Every day, around 900 million trees are felled just for the purposes of building something. This equates to around 2.47 billion trees being felled each and every day.
So how many trees are there in the whole world? The truth is that no one really knows how many trees exist on this planet. The amount of trees that exist on this planet is highly debated. Many believe that there are around 100 billion trees while others think that the number is closer to a billion. No matter what you think, the fact remains that billions of trees need to exist if the earth is to survive.
How many trees exist in low-lying forests around the world is directly related to the amount of tree cover in those forests. The higher the tree cover in a forest the more foliage that can be found on the ground and the less chance there is of trees being felled. Trees that grow in the presence of water are called water crops and forests that have high concentrations of these plants are called water cover.
A tree cover study done in India and the United States indicates that around fifteen billion trees exist in the Amazon basin alone. In order for the tree cover to maintain it can take as long as forty years for one species to completely take over a specific area. It takes around twelve,000 years for species to completely replace themselves. This means that over the past fifteen years just under two thousand species of trees have died out.
In addition to reducing carbon dioxide emissions that result from global warming, deforestation also decreases the health of ecosystems. Trees not only provide oxygen and purify water, but they also help to filter food particles, catch rainwater runoff, and act as a natural filter for air pollution. Deforestation has a negative effect on the worlds food supply and environmental stability. As agricultural land continues to diminish due to deforesting processes the food supply will become increasingly unstable and potentially catastrophic.
Despite all of these reasons for deforestation, there are still some areas where deforestation is rampant and tree cover is decreasing. One way to help save trees and restore their health is to practice forest management. By working with local communities and conservation agencies, you can help reverse the effects of deforestation on the environment and ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty and ecological values of forests and wildlife.