A reader recently asked: "What is the value of a tree?" Here is the answer to that question. The value of a tree basically depends on several factors, such as its age, type, size, location and even whether it is still healthy. But you can usually get at least an idea of some rough figures by understanding a few bits of information about the subject.
It should be noted right up front that "how much is a tree really worth" is really dependent upon what it is, in other words, how old it is and how well preserved it is. If it is an established tree, then you will want to consider how much it would cost to completely remove it, including possible replacement costs, if it were ever replanted. Likewise, if it is an young tree or one with a low mature, then it probably isn't worth very much, because it is not likely to produce any nuts or other fruits that can be sold for a profit. Similarly, if it has lost most or all of its leaves, then it is probably worth nothing, because it will die off more quickly than its natural resources would allow.
Some generalities about how much a tree is worth include the age and size of the tree. For example, trees that are older and thus more mature have a greater value per acre of land because they produce a higher percentage of nuts or other products. In addition, trees that are relatively large and bushy produce more nuts or seeds per year than trees with smaller mature sizes. As far as the type of tree is concerned, the more common varieties tend to be worth more per acre than rarer or "less common" varieties. Again, this is because mature trees often produce a higher percentage of the marketable products that trees in a landscape environment are capable of producing.
The canopy or sheath condition of the tree also tends to influence its value. Coefficient of variation is a way of saying that how much you would pay for a resource varies according to how much variation there is in how much it would be worth if used in a landscape setting. A crown size tree with relatively low crowns and abundant visible foliage tends to be less valuable per unit of land than a tree with higher crowns and fewer foliage.
How much is a tree worth also depends on how much work can be expected to be involved in replanting or establishing the tree in its new location. Different types of trees require different amounts of planting area and hence require more work before they can actually be planted in the ground. Some examples of this include broadleaf trees like maples and oaks which require at least three acres of flat area for planting, and even then their potential for production may be limited. On the other hand, citrus trees like tangerines and grapefruit have relatively small planting requirements and therefore make good sense as houseplants.
How much is a heritage tree worth? This is an important question because the value of these types of trees tend to increase over time. The more generations a tree has lived, the more craftsmen that have worked on it, and the more places where it grows or is displayed, the more it becomes worth. Also keep in mind that while a craftman may not want to spend three acres of land on a small tree, he will want to spend a lot more if he wants to display it on the front of his building, build a garden around it, or carve statues and carvings around it. Hence, while you might be able to get a bargain when buying craftsman quality crafts from small tree-planting suppliers, you won't get the same bargain when shopping from big tree plantation supply companies.