Palm trees in Pennsylvania are some of the prettiest in the northeast. The state offers over 400 species of palms, or the third most in the United States. Locally you will find Nantucket palms, Black-eyed susans, Dog's ears, Black-throated whistles, Black-rubied peanuts, Mountain chestnuts, Black-eyed grasshoppers, and much more. In these photographs, I'll share information about the plants and flowers that I've seen.
The first image shows three species of palms. The smallest species is the smallest (species: Diplodia trifoliora). All the other palms are categorized by their zone.
Penn State University planted a grove of North American palms inmentation at the campus. This grove was developed in an attempt to reproduce the canopy-like vegetation common in Central and South America. The canopy of palms has multiple layers of leaves, which filter light, block direct sunlight, and shade the ground below. Penn State's palm trees were part of the test plot. The resulting spectacular palm tree canopy, now named the Michael Vickers Conservatory, is open to the public.
To the immediate south, you can find Black-eyed susans in bloom. This species, sometimes called black-throated mums, is native to Central America. The plant flowers in May, June, and July. In Pennsylvania, these trees grow from three to seven feet tall. Other Pennsylvania native trees in this area are Bald Cypress, Black-eyed Susan, Catawba River maple, and more.
The next image shows three varieties of palm trees. The tallest of these is the Five-leafed Date Tree, growing to three feet tall. The other palms, both date and wood, are all smaller, growing to about two feet. In the background are two examples of flowering date trees. You'll also recognize these plants by the white petals they produce, which are actually stigmas.
Planting palm trees in your region will bring you many rewards for your property. Growing hardy, disease resistant plants will increase the value of your property and attract birds and butterflies to your area. Your yard will become a great place to spend your free time. You can also use the fruitfulness of your hard grown crops to feed the wildlife in your area. You can grow food in your hardiness zone for both yourself and others.
Even though your hardiness zone may be Pennsluvium Easicanum, Pennslythus gives you plenty of choices when it comes to palms. You'll find the hardy Calendula with its blue-green foliage, double flowers, and red berries; the Stachybortrys with its lemon-scented blooms; and the Mimulus with its colorful, multicolored blossoms. For your hedges and bushes, try the Zinnias, Hedges, and Palmetto. For your potted palm trees, try Barbados or Vanda.
With a little care, your Pennslythus tree will thank you for planting it in your beautiful garden. Just remember not to plant too close together. The climate requirements for each variety are different. The palm tree you choose will depend on the amount of sun your location receives during the majority of the year. The type of tree you choose will also depend on the number of hours you plan to spend admiring and relaxing by your new orchids.