Pecan trees are native to North America and they are known for their nuts. These nuts are a bit on the oily side when you crack them but they taste so good that even non-cheesemeaters will eat them. If you live in the northeast part of the United States and you have access to this delicious fruit, you should consider planting pecan trees in your yard or around your garden. They will add a lot of character and color to your landscape.
The best place to plant a pecan tree is in a shaded area where it will get enough sun but not too much. Maryland is one of the states with a lot of sunlight so that is where most people place their pecan trees. Maryland is also one of the states where pecan trees are commonly grown. So if you live in Maryland, you have a lot of choices on where to plant one.
There is no need for you to get a pecan tree that has a huge tree as long as it can produce a healthy crop. A big tree will only take over space and it will be very hard to keep it confined. If you live in an area where there is a lot of frost, it is advisable to choose a smaller one. Frost also takes away from the flavor of the nuts so if you can get a smaller one, it will make your tree stand out more.
Most people plant their pecan tree maryland seeds in July and wait for the berries to come up in October. It is not hard to find the appropriate place for planting. They prefer a shaded area but they will grow well in an area that receives some shade as well. You just have to make sure the soil is not too heavy. Most of the trees grow pretty tall so you should have no problem if there is plenty of room to grow.
Planting the pecan tree maryland seeds will give you the best results. They will produce a crop that is twice as large as the one you could get with a regular grown up pecan. When harvesting the nuts, it will be easier if you can get them before they have started to decay. If you do not have time, the best way is to use a pick to remove them. This is a very easy task and you can get it right from the seed.
When you decide to grow a pecan tree in Maryland, you should know that the climate is slightly cold. You will need to compensate with the warmth though so try to plant them in areas where you will not be in direct sun. They are not the best plants for hot weather.