
Tree Removal Average Cost

Average cost of tree removal varies depending upon the size of the work and various local rates. Average tree removal cost in Melbourne ranges from $ 400 to nearly $ 1,500 or from several hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars per hour for two persons working full 40 hours per week. The most common tree removal service offered is 'cut down and remove', that is the disposal of the stump by the professional company or if the situation arises the owner of the land can choose to either salvage the tree or have it cut down. The average cost of removing the tree is about three times higher than saving it as some research shows. However cutting down the tree is not always the best option as the land owner may lose the benefits of surrounding trees in the process.

There are several factors like area, type of ground, local weather conditions, popularity and time of year that determine tree removal average cost and type of service you will be availed. Local competition among local tree service companies has led to a marked reduction in prices. Some companies provide a free consultation to the potential customers so as to evaluate their needs and give an accurate quote of average cost. The cost of the service depends mainly on extent of work, kind of stump and the kind of tree. Most companies provide estimates and free quotes through phone, Internet, email or by fax.

Large tree removal is more complex than the small ones as a large tree removal requires a lot of expertise and care. The cost of this kind of service depends on many factors like the size of the stump, the size of the area where the work is to be done and the type of tree being removed. For instance, tree removal on steep slopes requires a different kind of equipment and methods of cutting the stump than that of a tree at the same altitude. Local environmental conditions and weather conditions also determine how much is paid for the service. For example, if there is frost around the area, the service will charge more.

When estimating the tree removal cost, one can arrive at an average estimate by multiplying the square footage of the land with the weight of the tree to estimate the weight of the stump and then multiply this with the clearance height to arrive at the weight of the stump. If the tree removal is of a large magnitude, like a ten foot high maple tree, the estimate would be higher than when estimating smaller trees like a one hundred feet tall maple tree. A standard rule of calculation would be that the stump weight should not exceed one hundred fifty pounds. Stump clearance height should not be less than fifteen feet. For smaller stumps, like one hundred feet tall maple trees, the cost would be lower.

Before signing a contract with a tree service company, one should check with the local government officials to ensure that the permit and license required for the service are obtained. One might also check if a permit was already granted earlier to another similar tree removal service company. In most states, it would require a minimum of six months for a tree removal contract to be established. The contract period for a specific amount of time can vary from state to state.

After getting all of these figures, the next factor that needs to be considered is the average price or cost per foot of ground for tree removal. Some companies offer this service at an average cost per foot, while others charge according to the actual height of the stump and the clearance height as well. Contractors that offer to give an average price might quote prices according to the average cost tree removal, especially when they are working in a hurry. Clients should go through the details of a certain service provider's package before committing to anything. The average price would be based on the services being provided and it would not be the final price after the extra charges are added up.

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